New startup mentoring network launched in Paris!
5 March, 2021 by
New startup mentoring network launched in Paris!
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StartupDelta is proud to announce the launch of a new StartupDelta mentoring network in Paris! The launch comes at the conclusion of the French-Dutch Economic Year 2015-2016 that started with the kick-off of the Tour de France in Utrecht in July 2015. Throughout the economic year, the Dutch Embassy in Paris has worked to develop closer economic ties between France and the Netherlands regarding the automotive industry and regarding opportunities for startups to scale up.

Today Startup Envoy Constantijn van Oranje was in Paris to launch the new mentoring network and talk about StartupDelta, the automotive industry and his hopes for stronger collaboration between the French and Dutch startup ecosystems. 

With France as one of the largest car-producing countries and the Netherlands as a leading innovator in developing cars of the future, such as self-driving cars, the Dutch Embassy in Paris aims to better connect the two markets. The new mentoring network was established in response to the increasing interest amongst Dutch and French startups to enter each other’s respective markets.

Startups wanting to join the French-Dutch mentoring network can contact our executive partner DutchBasecamp. We are here to help startups scale internationally. 

Would you like to know more about further French-Dutch collaboration? Please get in touch with Eric van Kooij, head of the economic department at the Dutch Embassy in Paris.


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