Travel to Medellin Colombia for the Get in the Ring finals
5 March, 2021 by
Travel to Medellin Colombia for the Get in the Ring finals
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Three Dutch centers of entrepreneurship are travelling to South America from March 13 to 17 to attend the grand finale of the global Get in the Ring competition. Twenty entrepreneurs are already joining, but you can still join if you apply today.

Get in the Ring started as a Dutch initiative but has grown into a global phenomenon, with meetings all over the world. The final meeting has been in Rotterdam for the last few years, but this year it is in Medellin, the second-largest city of Colombia. The city expects about 2500 attendees for a global meeting on entrepreneurship.

Three Dutch centers of entrepreneurship (The Amsterdam center, The Utrecht center and the Erasmus center in Rotterdam), who work together in the Dutch CE group, are organising a trip towards this event. The trip is open for both investors and entrepreneurs. Trip participants cannot win any awards (unless they have won a regional final) but they do get the chance to build international relations, attend the whole conference as a VIP, and build relationships with fellow delegates.

It is not yet clear if any Dutch startups will be competing in this final. The Dutch winners blue battery, laevo and netcity first have to win from other European startups in the European final on Feb 11th in London. Even if no Dutch startup wins, the Get in the Ring will be an interesting event for anyone interested in global startup trends.

People interested in joining the event should send an email today (jan 28th)to Jurgen Nieuwenhuijsen ([email protected]) so hotels can be reserved. The costs are 750 euros including food, drink and local transportation, but excluding flight and hotel.

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